This powerful Wireless N Open Source Repeater supports the Wireless LAN standard IEEE 802.11n. With a speed of up to 300Mbit/s, the DAP-1360 reliably connects PCs and laptops to the wired network.,Seven different operating modes,Thanks to its seven different operating modes, the DAP-1360 can be used flexibly in any environment as required.,-Access Point: For wirelessly connecting PCs and laptops.,-AP Client: The DAP-1360 becomes a client and can wirelessly connect network devices such as printers, game consoles and PCs - regardless of the operating system - to a network.,-Wireless Bridge: Connect two separate networks wirelessly.,-Wireless Bridge with AP: Connect two separate networks wirelessly. Wireless PCs and laptops can establish a wireless connection to the APs.,-Wireless repeater: To extend the radio range of wireless networks.,-WISP client router (Wireless Internet Service Provider): The DAP-1360 is connected wirelessly to the Internet provider's access point, allowing shared use of the Internet connection.,-WISP repeater: The DAP-1360 is connected wirelessly to the Internet provider's access point, allowing shared use of the Internet connection, both for wired PCs and for wireless clients.
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