Cross-system components are suitable for both the SI impulse system and the Dupline bus system. Compatible output signals (e.g. 24VDC or potential-free relays) also allow these components to be used for other automation systems. In addition, these devices operate completely independently. Bell transformers generate the output voltage for door signaling systems such as bells, buzzers or gongs. These short-circuit-proof, tested and validated transformers convert the 230 V mains voltage into protective extra-low voltage. Properties: - short-circuit-proof thanks to PTC, - tested according to EN 61558, - validated by KEMA, marked with the ENEC symbol for use throughout Europe Mounting type: - quick fastening on mounting rail - installation position as desired Areas of application: - RK series bell transformers are used for the AC power supply of e.g. bell systems, locking systems and relay circuits. Notes: - After a short circuit, restart the device by briefly disconnecting the primary side. - With low load or no-load operation, the output voltage may increase. - only for short-term loads. - For continuous loads, we recommend the use of safety transformers.
Property | Value |
Type of transformer: | Standard bell transformer |
Primary voltage: | 230 V |
Width in modular spacing: | 2 |
Secondary voltage 1: | 8 V |
Secondary current 1: | 1 A |
Short-circuit proof: | yes |
Length: | 36 mm |
Width: | 36 mm |
Height: | 90 mm |
Max. Output power: | 8 W |
Suitable for series installation: | yes |
Temperature protection: | yes |
Max. output current: | 1 A |
Max. power loss: | 7 W |
With on/off switch: | no |