Cable protection pipe seal RDSS, after removing the filling hose, the patented gel valve prevents pressure losses and ensures permanent tightness of the system, different sleeve sizes ensure application areas from 32 mm to 180 mm (with adapter RDSS-AD-210 even up to 210 mm) core hole drillings or pipe diameters, chemical and bacteria resistant, average service life 30 years, for sealing core hole drillings and wall penetrations, the principle of a pressure sleeve enables the sealing of multi-cable systems, a flexible plastic laminate bag coated on both sides with strips of sealing compound is coated with lubricant, simply wrapped around the cable(s) and pushed into the pipe or core hole, the sleeve is filled with CO2 gas to a pressure of 3 bar using the filling device, the sealing compound is pressed onto the inside of the pipe and onto the cable sheath
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